Workplace desinfection

Spectral Blue™

UV lamps can be easily replaced with long-lasting and safe blue light lamps.

Clean workbenches every morning

Equip every workbench with a Spectral Blue device to keep the working surfaces and any equipment free of microbes.

You can have a microbe-free start every morning.

Spectral Blue™

Spectral Blue™ is a new technology for disinfecting room air and surfaces automatically and continuously. It is based on antimicrobial visible blue light (aBL) and has been shown to be effective against all bacteria, yeast and mold - including multi-resistant strains.


Replace dangerous UVC radiation in biosafety cabinets


Keep storage areas and weighing rooms clean


Start every morning with clean workbenches



Fast replacement

Installation in 30 seconds - see our Video

Laboratory equipment

Replace UVC with safe blue light in biological safety cabinets

UVC tubes used in biosafety cabinets are not only dangerous to users but also an environmental hazard. Their use is not recommended and the EU RoHS directive is poised to ban them in the future.

Dangerous UVC tubes can now be retired and completely replaced with a 100% safe & sustainable alternative:

Visible blue light disinfection by Spectral Blue™

No UV radiation. No tube changes. No mercury. No ozone. No need to vacate the room.

Berlin device


Spectral Blue in all areas

The entire work area and the surrounding area can be disinfected automatically.

Weighing rooms and storage areas

These are areas where it's possible for material residues becoming a growth platform for microbes.

Automatic environmental decontamination prevents microbial growth and reduces the risk of contamination of equipment and materials.


Risks for laboratories handling pathogens


Handling control strains and sample enrichment are possible sources of issues. Contaminated samples can ruin weeks or months worth of work.

False positives

A production halt caused by false alarm for example in food industry is not only expensive, it can also damage your laboratory's credibility.

Staff health & safety

Your most important asset can become exposed to dangerous diseases unless you have the best tools. In clinical labs your customers can be at risk too.

Spectral Blue™

Information and studies

Download our free of charge Information brochure .

You can find further information under the following links

Studies by Spectral Blue™

References Spectral Blue™ and LED Tailor

Would you like to learn more?

Learn more about the devices from Spectral Blue™ by LED Tailor and request a non-binding 3D planning for your individual requirements. Contact us now for more information.